In June 2014 I married the man I waited for my whole life, in San Antonio, TX. My priority in designing our wedding was to make sure we did it in Style; for me that meant creating a wedding experience that uniquely represented both him and me. From the neon colors to the hand ade custom wedding party shirts; I wanted peope to experience our love for one another and connect with us in all the little details and personalized touches in our event!
The wedding was great, but the Mrs. Lifestyle was what I was looking forward to most! It was after our wedding that I realized that my life of customization was just beginning. I wanted to share the excitement, that begins in the wedding process, for personalization for the rest of my life as a Wife!
Mrs. Style was born! It is my desire to utilize custom casual apparel to continously create the excitement and freshness of Style of an Official Mrs. for myself and others. As women, our apparel expresses the way in which we see ourselves and the way in which we experience life; our roles as wives are no different. Why not customize it?! That is what I call "Mrs. Style."
Where Mrs. meets Lifestyle you will find Mrs. Style!
We personalize any role that is relevant to the life of a wife!
As women and wives we wear many hats all of which are a part of our Mrs. image. Let's name a few:
Woman - Mom - Boss - Creator -Wife - Daughter - Coach - Friend-Sister - Cheerleader -Personal Assistant- Taxi cab driver - Nurse -Secretary- Chef - Referee - BooBoo Kisser -Problem Solver -Athlete -Awesome - PRAYER WARRIOR - EVERYTHING !!!!
Mrs. Style is the one stop shop for every role you represent! Why choose one statement when you represent so many roles? Personalize your life, and the many roles in which you are committed, in Style ... Mrs. Style! Let us help you display and share your story one customize statement piece at a time!
Mrs. Style - where Mrs. meets Lifestyle; the place where we know "Mrs. is more than just a title ... Mrs. is a Lifestyle!"